
English Language Challenges

Even though I have learned a lot of my knowledge about English since I was a child while I played videogames (and this can still apply until this day), read some texts while I attended school, watched movies in their native language, watched some TV series with the same method that I used with the movies, and tried to speak English in some tests from school. My experience learning English at university has been really nice, I have had the chance to meet new people, got the chance to remember a lot of knowledge that I might have forgotten and learned a lot of new expressions that I had not the opportunity to learn, this since i learned mostly American English, and the classes that we got to experience where practically only en British English. The other important point about this subject was the use of blogs, with this I got the experience of developing my English in a way that I have never done before, even though I am used to make some comments in the internet, it was never at the

Changes To My Study Programme

I you ask me, I think that most of the things are right in terms of the curriculum for my career, but there is one subject specifically that I do not really like, and I think that is not very helpful, and that is the subject called introduction to the career of chemistry. You have to go like 5 hours per week and during most of the course you only have to listen to people lecturing something that you will have to listen to even more in other subjects. I know that some people would enjoy and think that the subject is fine how it is and very helpful while we are studying this career, but for me it was not a very enjoyable experience. For the point about workload and length of studies, I think that is fine if you know how to organize your time, pay attention in the classes and not only work with the things that you copied in your notebook, since you could get a lot of various ways to work with the things that you would be learning through the subjects if you also decide to study from

Summer Holidays

What i would like to do in my vacations would be mostly resting, I do not care if it is in my bed in my house in Santiago, or any other place that i could be going to. While I rest i would like to watch some movies, TV Shows, some series. But i do not think (or want), to lay in my bed every day and every time, I want to do some sports, train my body, play some video-games with my friends online, go to their houses and have some parties. Even though i am already playing video-games online with my friends, I still get that feeling that you have to study or do some homework, so when holidays comes i would get nothing more than a relaxing time to share with my friends. If i would have to chose a place to go with my family or friends, that would be the beach, you can get a very relaxing time, a lot of space for myself and to share with my company. You can play a lot of type of games, play some cards, play sports in the beach. In the part of sports, I want to keep training handball, train

Addiction: Drugs of Abuse

The drug of abuse that i am going to talk about is the alcohol. I think that this is the most common drug, it is everywhere and is very easy to access to, people drink it in parties, watching TV, or even when they feel like it. The effects that causes the alcohol in the body will depend on a variety of factors, such as: how much you drink, how often you drink, your age, your health status and your family history. I have tried alcohol, and even tho i really liked some of the various types of products that contain alcohol in it, i think i could hardly say that i have developed some kind of addiction to it. The experience was really nice in the moment, but the aftermath that i got was not that nice as i was feeling in the night before. I got a headache, stomachache and could not remember everything that i did last night. I wouldn't say that i don't recommend drinking alcohol because of the illness that you could get, but if someone is going to drink alcohol, and doesn't want

Post Graduate Studies

I would like to do a Master's degree in Chemistry because i would like to be a high level reasearcher in the various areas of chemistry, i have always wanted to get more knowledge in chemistry and this is one of the best options in the future for me to get that. The challenges that this would implie in my life is the other points for me to do a Master's degree in Chemistry, this kind of things would motivate me even more to study and be the professional that i have always wanted to be. So, if we mix this two reasons, take this Master's degree is the best i can do for myself. If i would take it,the line of research that i would follow, could be "Analytic Chemistry and Environmental Chemistry", "Chemistry of Materials and Inorganic Chemistry" and/or "Theoretical Chemistry and Physical Chemistry", being the first one the line of research that i would take first or i would privilege between the other two ones. Another important point of takin

Your Future Job

- What kind of job would you like to have? How do you imagine it? I would like to be a researcher, i have always wanted to work like one of them, and i imagine it being in a lab and reading a lot of science books and some other kind of things so i can be able to pull things off and get to the final goal of it - Outdoors /indoors? i would surely like to work Indoors, but sometimes i would like to be able to work outdoors, i think that's something that would help me in a personal level not being to work every time indoors. - Would you like to travel a lot in your job? Not a lot, but instead of it, some once in a while travels could be a nice experience. - What about the salary? Even though i know that is something really important, I'm not "caring that much" about it, but if i should write something about it, i'd like to have a salary that could help me with the researches and with the way of life that i would have. - What major are you studying /ar

My Hobbies

a)  One or two of your favorites hobbies. One of my hobbies is playing video games, the other one is playing handball b) What it/they consist(s) of With video games you need a platform to play them, it can be a PC, Play-Station, X-Box, or any other one. I specifically play in PC, it is for me the most comfortable to play in, and not to mention the enormous catalog of games that you can get if you have a decent PC. The other one, Handball, is a 7 person per team sport, in a 40x20 court, and with the objective to achieve the most quantity of goals c) Since when you have it/them I play video games since i was a young kid, like 3-4 years; and with handball, i play it since the begging of May. d) Why it/they is/are important to you With video games i get a lot of stress relief or get to play a lot with my friends online. With Handball is the same, but i also get to work on my own body. e) What hobbies you had when your were a kid. As i said before, i liked to play video