Post Graduate Studies

I would like to do a Master's degree in Chemistry because i would like to be a high level reasearcher in the various areas of chemistry, i have always wanted to get more knowledge in chemistry and this is one of the best options in the future for me to get that. The challenges that this would implie in my life is the other points for me to do a Master's degree in Chemistry, this kind of things would motivate me even more to study and be the professional that i have always wanted to be. So, if we mix this two reasons, take this Master's degree is the best i can do for myself.

If i would take it,the line of research that i would follow, could be "Analytic Chemistry and Environmental Chemistry", "Chemistry of Materials and Inorganic Chemistry" and/or "Theoretical Chemistry and Physical Chemistry", being the first one the line of research that i would take first or i would privilege between the other two ones.

Another important point of taking Post Graduate Studies is the place where you take them, so if i should decide between studying in Chile or abroad, would depend in the country where these studies would be imparted, if it happens to be a developed country in terms of chemistry or science, like the United States, Germany or Japan could be a really big reason of taking the option of studying abroad. If that is not the case, i would not have any problem in studying in Chile.

The method of study that i would to take would be the blended learning, it grants the facilities of studying online to the traditional way of learning, and that seems like a very good option for me.


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