Changes To My Study Programme

I you ask me, I think that most of the things are right in terms of the curriculum for my career, but there is one subject specifically that I do not really like, and I think that is not very helpful, and that is the subject called introduction to the career of chemistry. You have to go like 5 hours per week and during most of the course you only have to listen to people lecturing something that you will have to listen to even more in other subjects. I know that some people would enjoy and think that the subject is fine how it is and very helpful while we are studying this career, but for me it was not a very enjoyable experience.

For the point about workload and length of studies, I think that is fine if you know how to organize your time, pay attention in the classes and not only work with the things that you copied in your notebook, since you could get a lot of various ways to work with the things that you would be learning through the subjects if you also decide to study from books. I know that I am in my first year, but that has been my experience through these two semesters.

Other important point is the infrastructure and buildings that we are using while we study here, I have not been a very active user of the various areas of the faculty facilities, but at the launch time you can see very easily that the space is not really enough for all the people in the faculty, and I also know that the space is very reduced, so you get two very opposites points to try to solve this problem.


  1. I agree, faculty facilities are good, but not enough for everyone.

  2. I agree with you in several points, but mostly respect the limited space. Truly a larger space allows studying with more facilities and comforts, which directly influences positively in several aspects.


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