Addiction: Drugs of Abuse

The drug of abuse that i am going to talk about is the alcohol. I think that this is the most common drug, it is everywhere and is very easy to access to, people drink it in parties, watching TV, or even when they feel like it. The effects that causes the alcohol in the body will depend on a variety of factors, such as: how much you drink, how often you drink, your age, your health status and your family history.

I have tried alcohol, and even tho i really liked some of the various types of products that contain alcohol in it, i think i could hardly say that i have developed some kind of addiction to it. The experience was really nice in the moment, but the aftermath that i got was not that nice as i was feeling in the night before. I got a headache, stomachache and could not remember everything that i did last night. I wouldn't say that i don't recommend drinking alcohol because of the illness that you could get, but if someone is going to drink alcohol, and doesn't want to feel like that, he must recognize when he isn't feeling that well or the body can't handle much more. The alcohol can make some serious observable changes in us, like changing the behavior and our mood.

Other drugs can cause some really good things in our body, like the ones that help our system, healing some illness or injury, and the ones that help in how the bodies should be correctly working. Even though this are some really good things, if people over use them, they could develop a lot of bad symptoms and some new type of disease or illness, so if people really want to keep their bodies fine, they must keep the use of these types of drugs in a controlled way.

The people that have some type of addiction with a drug, and then decide to leave them or are forced to, could be getting affected with withdrawal symptoms. These symptoms will variate between the type of drug that was being abused of, and the type of person consuming it. It can produce a physical withdrawal, an emotional withdrawal with some type of physical withdrawal, or the other way around, a physical withdrawal with a little of emotional withdrawal. I hadn't known a person that has a serious problem with drugs of abuse, so this is not something that i could say that i have experienced nor i have been told about.


  1. I agree with you, alcohol is the most common drug of abuse that you can find probably at any corner in the city.

  2. Alcohol is a super common drug, and I think that we don't give it the attention it deserves.

  3. alcohol is common and very dangerous for health pity common in our society


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