Summer Holidays

What i would like to do in my vacations would be mostly resting, I do not care if it is in my bed in my house in Santiago, or any other place that i could be going to. While I rest i would like to watch some movies, TV Shows, some series. But i do not think (or want), to lay in my bed every day and every time, I want to do some sports, train my body, play some video-games with my friends online, go to their houses and have some parties.
Even though i am already playing video-games online with my friends, I still get that feeling that you have to study or do some homework, so when holidays comes i would get nothing more than a relaxing time to share with my friends.
If i would have to chose a place to go with my family or friends, that would be the beach, you can get a very relaxing time, a lot of space for myself and to share with my company. You can play a lot of type of games, play some cards, play sports in the beach.
In the part of sports, I want to keep training handball, train to develop my abilities and mostly work on my body, since that part is one of my weakest, and is very important for this sport, if i could achieve this that would be an excellent way to start the next academic year and when the tournaments start i could give my one hundred percent.


  1. Every time that i try to do something fun my mind is telling me that I could use that time for studing, so it's nice when you're care-free while doing them

  2. The feeling of that you need to study something is very awful when comes in the holidays.

  3. Everybody would like to have a rest, but at the same time sports are very important, I wish you the best for your development in handball :D

  4. for me the summer holiday it´s a really weird part of my life, it´s when you know how lazy we are.


  5. Nothing compares to resting in the house :D .Regards!

  6. see TV shows is the best in the life, nothing compares! Cheers!

  7. the best of the holidays is to watch tv all daaaaaaay

  8. the first thing I will do in the holidays is to sleep all day and see netflix!!!!!


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