My Hobbies

a)  One or two of your favorites hobbies.
One of my hobbies is playing video games, the other one is playing handball
b) What it/they consist(s) of
With video games you need a platform to play them, it can be a PC, Play-Station, X-Box, or any other one. I specifically play in PC, it is for me the most comfortable to play in, and not to mention the enormous catalog of games that you can get if you have a decent PC.
The other one, Handball, is a 7 person per team sport, in a 40x20 court, and with the objective to achieve the most quantity of goals
c) Since when you have it/them
I play video games since i was a young kid, like 3-4 years; and with handball, i play it since the begging of May.
d) Why it/they is/are important to you
With video games i get a lot of stress relief or get to play a lot with my friends online. With Handball is the same, but i also get to work on my own body.
e) What hobbies you had when your were a kid.
As i said before, i liked to play video games since i was a child, and also i loved to play football, i could play it like 4 or 5 hours per day and never get bored.
f) What hobbies mean to you
With hobbies you get the pleasure of do something you enjoy even if the don't are necessarily a must, you can do it at the time you want, and most important you get joy while doing it.
g) What hobby(ies) you would never have,  why.
i would never have hobbies like reading.
h) What hobby(ies) you would have in the future.
I think that i would still enjoy playing video games, and maybe i could play more sports.


  1. Hi Joaquín,
    The idea of a post is developing an idea around a topic; it is not a questionnaire that needs to be answered.


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