A Country you would like to visit

- Which country would you like to go to? Why?
If you ask me which country i would like to visit, that answer would certainly be Japan. This country is well known for being a well developed country and is one of the best countries when it comes to science, so that would be the reasons why i would like to go there.

- What do you know about it?
This country is located in the east of Asia, has one of the largest population in the world and one of the lowest crime rate. Since the ancient times, this country has been at the forefront in the things that they work on, and nowadays science is one of the main that they had been working on. Japan is also well known for their cuisine, culture and how they keep their traditions that are centuries old.
- What would you like to do there?
As i said before, Japan is one of the most developed countries in the world, and when it comes to science we could say that this country is one of the best. Being able to study/work or even visit one of their labs could mean a lot for me.
Another reason is the landscape that anyone could visit, go to see building that are centuries old, or the ones that are built nowadays but keeping the feeling that the others buildings could give you. This mixed with the native nature is something that i would like to experience first and make my judgement after.
- Would you like to study/work/live there? Explain.
I would really like to study there, this country has some of the best universities in the world in almost every area. And i really like Chemistry, so, study the same career but there, i think could be a big difference.
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